
The theoretical aspects of forming of university students' stress resistance to negative environmental factors are investigated in the article. Stress resistance in a university student is considered as an individual ability of an organism to maintain normal performance, to maintain a necessary degree of adaptation to the influence of extreme environmental factors and professional activity, such as maintaining the ability to social adaptation, maintaining meaningful interpersonal relationships, ensuring successful interpersonal relationships, preservation of adaptive capacity of working capacity, preservation of health. Main aspects of forming university students' stress resistance to negative environmental factors are social support, psychological competence of individual, personal, physical, informational, instrumental, material resources, methods of mental training, and methods of imitation modeling. Educational activity of a person in a university is connected with periodic (especially during a session), sometimes quite long and intensive influence (or expectation of influence) of extreme values of professional, social, environmental factors, which is accompanied by negative emotions, overstrain of physical and mental functions. The most characteristic mental condition that develops under the influence of these factors in a young person is psychological stress. External factors that contribute to the development of stress of a student include the assessment of a stressful situation, covering the objective, or external, and subjective, or internal, parameters of a stressful situation; coping strategies or coping behaviors; influence on personality of traumatic events and degree of processing of traumatic experience; social support; professional and personal experience; psychological preparation for activity in extreme conditions. Stress resistance as an integrative property of the individual person implies interaction with all structural characteristics of the psyche both during and after the action of stress factors. Modern students, who experiences significant intellectual and emotional stress, due to the high rate of educational activity, needs to process a large amount of information in the conditions of intensification of the educational process in a university, are prone to the development of stress-induced disorders, which are expressed in violation of mental and physiological levels. This is especially striking during the exam session, which, in fact is the peak period of the study activity, presenting a model of mental stress in which most of the adverse stressors are integrated. Among the factors of individual (ontogenetic) development of the human organism, the most important in the formation of resistance to stress is professional training and experience that they gain during overcoming stress. This experience is practically becoming a manifestation of person’s adaptation to stress, which enables a person to remain resilient in the implementation of various forms activities and to adequately regulate behavior in stressful situations. Accordingly, an important task of counteracting stress while studying at a university is the formation of students' resilience to the influence of stress factors and development of personality stress resistance. In accordance with the above, it is very important to develop students' adaptive abilities and to form their resistance to stressful factors, to educate them how to successfully deal with stressful situations. In view of this, an important condition for the formation of stress resistance is the orientation of the educational policy of universities in the field of quality of education to preserve and develop mental and physical health of students by forming and complying according to the requirements for organization of the educational process. At the same time, the priorities of the educational policy are enshrined in the official documents of the university and are given the status of binding for all participants of educational relations. The educational policy of any university should be oriented on creation of psychologically comfortable educational environment by increasing the competence of all subjects of the educational process, minimizing the stressful effects of the educational space by studying the stress factors, creating conditions of conflict-free interpersonal interaction, development of subjective mechanisms of students' stress resistance in a process of studying disciplines by means of equipping them with basic strategies of stress management. The prospects for further research we see in the detailed and comprehensives studing and development of psycho-corrective methods of overcoming distress conditions in the student's personality.

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