
The paper presents the results of an empirical study aimed at the identification of empirical types of social maturity in young people; its relevance is due to the lack of typology of social maturity in modern socio-psychological literature. The study was performed on a sample of young people aged 18 to 30 years old (347 people, including 178 women and 169 men). We assumed that there are various empirical types of social maturity in young people depending on the evaluation of actualized personal and social resources, the orientation of social experiences, value orientations, and behavioral activity. We used methods based on the comprehensive program developed by A. B. Kupreichenko and A. L. Zhuravlev, as well as L. M. Smirnov’s method “Basic Values and Disvalues of Russians”. The aim of this study was to distinguish the main types of social maturity from an integrative position, reflecting the view of this phenomenon as a compound, including not only socially oriented, but also individual psychological components. It is shown that the systematic approach to the study of social maturity allows us to present this phenomenon as a unified socio-psychological construct. The following components are distinguished as components of social maturity analyzed in the study: cognitive, value, emotional and conative ones. Five empirical types of social maturity were found: “ascetic”, “ambitious”, “not actualized”, “asocial”, “socially mature”. The distinguished types of social maturity are differentiated according to the grounds of the social maturity components. In the future, these types can also become the basis for creating methodological tools that diagnose parameters distinguishing subjects with different manifestation and orientation of the social maturity phenomenon.

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