
Objective of the research is the coverage of regional features of choreography of Volyn with its limited local differences. Methodology. Hypothetical-deductive method involves selection of theoretical and factual material, and hypothesizing of the research. The method of analysis of historical and cultural material made it possible to explore the dance culture of Volyn and especially its development. The method of comparison is used to compare several events with the purpose of cognition of their similarities and differences. Scientific novelty. Based on the detailed study of the dance culture of Ukraine, including Volyn region, the author has made an attempt to study the genre and stylistic features and local identity of Volyn dance. Conclusions. Taking into consideration today’s cultural-historical processes, it is possible to make a conclusion, that dancing art of Volyn is connected with the dominant role of traditions. The dancing culture of Volyn historic- ethnographic region, developing in conjunction with the national traditions has its own clear character and stylistic peculiarities. Synthesizing the traditional forms of dancing art of different ethnic groups, and preserving the local originality of some genres, the dancing culture of Volyn district keeps on developing in the context of general Ukrainian tradition and is a part of it.

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