
The article studies the right to human dignity through the prism of German legal doctrine. During the research, a wide range of general scientific and special legal methods of scientific cognition has been used, in particular: methods of dialectical logic, comparative legal and system-structural methods. The paper analyses domestic and German legal resources on the right to human dignity, in particular the works of S. von Puffendorf, I. Kant and G. Durig. As a result of the study, the author states that the German legal opinion formed the fundamental doctrine of the right to human dignity. This doctrine began in Germany, back in the Renaissance. For the first time, it was systematized in the works of a German researcher S. von Puffendorf. The article illustrates that human dignity is revealed in the German doctrine of fundamental human rights through a number of characteristics. The right to human dignity is the foundation of social value and respect for human beings. It prohibits the conversion of a person to an object in state procedures. Human dignity is not only the individual dignity, but also the dignity of a person as a species. Everyone possesses it regardless of its characteristics, achievements and social status. It also belongs to someone who cannot act reasonably because of his or her physical or mental state. They do not lose their human dignity even through "unworthy" behaviour, for example, by committing any crime. No one can be deprived of human dignity. Attention is drawn to the fact that German law does not intentionally give a definitive definition of the right to human dignity. It merely defines a comprehensive list of requirements for the protection of this fundamental human right. The reason for this is that any definition cannot guarantee the absolute protection of this human right. In other words, such a normative definition of this human right will inevitably lead to such a situation where it cannot protect the human dignity of an individual or even be the legal basis for its restriction. In this part, the German approach to the definition of the right to human dignity differs significantly from the domestic approach, since for the national science and practice of lawmaking it is quite logical to take a different approach, in particular to formulate clear and comprehensive definitions of legally significant phenomena and categories. It has been established that, according to the German doctrine of fundamental human rights, human dignity must be protected in any way within any relationship. It was found that the German Nazis had a negative influence on the German doctrine of the human dignity. This is due to the fact that the protection of human dignity was not built around what was allowed to be done, but about what was forbidden under any circumstances. Keywords: human dignity, a fundamental human right, a human rights doctrine, a state, legislation.

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