
A brief overview of existing approaches to the determination of the dispersed composition of dust during construction works with the definition of the most promising method is presented. The existing methods are divided into methods with pre-deposition, and without. Methods with pre-deposition require a lot of time and are used mainly for laboratory studies. Methods without pre-deposition make it possible to conduct measurements in real time, which distinguishes them favorably from the methods described above during construction works. One of these methods is acoustic, which also provides the possibility of non–destructive testing and is based on the registration of acoustic emission signals that occur during natural or forced vibration excitation of the systems being diagnosed.
 When analyzing the physical parameters of the dust flow, it was determined that the key signals are AE, which can be presented in the form of diagnostic amplitude-frequency Fourier spectra containing information about the fractional composition and concentrations of the dust and gas flow. From this spectrum, subspectrums corresponding to the selected intervals of dispersion and dust concentration are further distinguished.
 The resulting algorithm is applied first for reference dust carvings in order to form a data bank, on the basis of which further determination of the dust composition is made.
 This method requires the availability of special software, which currently exists in the form of a prototype, and, accordingly, needs further refinement.

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