
The article examines the theoretical and methodological aspects of forensic commodity expertise. The main stages and components of the expert examination process are defined. The article analyzes the current legislation in this area, describes existing legislative acts, indicates shortcomings and the need to supplement the regulatory framework. The main problems and specifics of conducting forensic commodity expertise, the process of selecting specialists for expert groups, the criteria for this selection, and so on are identified. Special emphasis is placed on the use of various methods, their objectivity and subjectivity. Measures necessary to improve the objectivity of the expert examination results are described. The possibilities of using certain methods are revealed, the expediency of using expert and measurement methods in various situations, their ratio and accuracy are indicated. The rationality of using the organoleptic method in forensic expertise is evaluated. The directions of expert commodity research determined by specific methods are determined. The origin and possibilities of combining methods in forensic commodity expertise are investigated. The legal limits of conducting an expert examination are outlined, and measures that go beyond the basic principles of legal proceedings and morality are indicated. Special attention is paid to the objects of expertise, their types and definitions, restrictions in the selection of objects, the powers of experts, officials and judicial bodies in the issue of disposing of objects of expertise, and so on. Conditions and factors that can affect the state of objects are evaluated. Particular attention is focused on the role of accompanying documentation and other types of documentation, the importance of accompanying materials and information received for examination. It is mentioned about the possibility of obtaining related information by experts during the expert examination. The scientific origin of expert methodology is analyzed and the possibilities of combining expert and scientific methods are evaluated.

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