
The article describes the working concept of the study of common value foundations for the consolidation of Russian citizens who have different ethno-cultural and religious backgrounds. The essence of the concept is that the set of values, their specific structure in a particular cultural and historical community, remains relatively constant in historical time, whereas the process of value drift is regarded as a change in the content of concepts that denote social values. These gradual changes in the content of values can be located between two poles – a traditionalist interpretation of value and a modernist (secular-rational) interpretation. The empirical base of the research is the data of a representative survey of residents of the Republic of Bashkortostan within the framework of the project «The Resource of Interethnic Consent in the Consolidation of Russian Society: General and Special in Regional Diversity). The main conclusion of the study is that the coordinated perception of the current Russian realities by representatives of different religions is ensured in Russia by the same traditionalist interpretation of the basic value orientations.


  • The essence of the concept is that the set of values, their specific structure in a particular cultural and historical community, remains relatively constant in historical time, whereas the process of value drift is regarded as a change in the content of concepts that denote social values. These gradual changes in the content of values can be located between two poles – a traditionalist interpretation of value and a modernist interpretation

  • The empirical base of the research is the data of a representative survey of residents of the Republic of Bashkortostan within the framework of the project «The Resource of Interethnic Consent in the Consolidation of Russian Society: General and Special in Regional Diversity)

  • The main conclusion of the study is that the coordinated perception of the current Russian realities by representatives of different religions is ensured in Russia by the same traditionalist interpretation of the basic value orientations

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ЦЕННОСТНЫЕ ОСНОВЫ МЕЖРЕЛИГИОЗНОГО СОГЛАСИЯ ПРАВОСЛАВНЫХ И МУСУЛЬМАН РОССИИ В статье обосновывается подход к исследованию ценностей российского общества, позволяющий эмпирически исследовать общие ценностные основания, обеспечивающие межрелигиозное согласие мусульман и православных России. Многообразие наборов ценностей и ценностных смыслов, само собой разумеющееся для разных этнокультурных и религиозных сообществ России и, более того, находящихся на разных стадиях процесса модернизации, делает методологически неэффективным поиск ценностных оснований межнационального и межрелигиозного согласия россиян на уровне исследования списков ценностей и их содержательного наполнения.

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