
The article proves that for today the transport sector of Ukraine as a whole meets only the basic needs of the economy and the population in transportation. Qualitative indicators on the speed and efficiency of passenger and cargo transportation do not yet meet modern requirements. Potential capacities are not used in full measure, and the prolonged period of decline in industrial and agricultural production and the resulting reduction in transport volumes have led to a significant deterioration in the reproduction process in transport, so the state of its production and technical base can not in the future fully and with the required quality t o meet the needs of both domestic and international transport. The conducted studies show that the duration of operation of the majority of rolling stock of rail transport exceeds 25 years. In particular, 60.5% of passenger cars are operated for more than 40 years, which leads to their unsatisfactory technical condition. 63.8% of freight cars are used for 26-40 years. Such a long time of their use negatively affects the level of depreciation of the railway rolling stock, and the entire transport infrastructure. For the period 2010-2015. The depreciation of fixed assets of transport enterprises exceeded 95%, and had a tendency to increase with an annual increase of 0.5%. The extremely negative state of technical means requires the modernization and replacement of rolling stock. Thus, the development of the transport infrastructure remains unsatisfactory and hampers the creation of prerequisites for improving interlinkages both within the country and at the interstate level, providing quality transport services to business entities and the population, developing the export potential of the transport sector, and improving Ukraine's image as a transit country. Therefore, the development of the transport industry and the realization of the potential of transport infrastructure are becoming one of the key elements of the strategy of economic growth of the state as a whole and ensuring its economic security. From this point of view, the use of innovative management technologies would solve the problems of updating and transforming the transport infrastructure of Ukraine. Reengineering is important, as we want to organize work today, taking into account the demand in today's market and the capabilities of today's technologies. The experience of practical application of reengineering in foreign countries convinces that this approach is also necessary for our country in conditions of global economic reform and active promotion of Ukraine into the world economic system.

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