
After the mid-1990s, the EU realized the need to develop a common approach to combating human trafficking. As a result of the increased competence of the relevant EU institutions, as well as the increase of stakeholders’ concerns about its internal security and control of external borders began to grow, which gave push to the unprecedented formation, expansion and consolidation of anti-trafficking policy. Accordingly, a number of legislative and policy instruments have been created for this purpose. Important EU anti-trafficking program activities include the EMPACT program (European Multidisciplinary Platform Against Criminal Threats) (2011-2013) and (2013-2017), which consisted of the joint participation of Member States in multidisciplinary operational actions to combat organized crime involved in trafficking in human beings. Also in 2009, the EU developed the Global Approach to Migration and Mobility, as well as a separate document focused on strengthening the EU’s external influence against human trafficking. A more recent EU migration program in 2015 provided Member States with a comprehensive set of tools to manage migration and combat trafficking in human beings. Important tools in the fight against trafficking in human beings in the EU include Directive 2004/81/EU, which regulates the granting of temporary residence permits to third-country nationals who have been trafficked; Directive 2011/36/EU on preventing and combating trafficking in human beings and protecting its victims; Directive 2012/29/EU, which set additional minimum standards for the rights, support and protection of trafficking victims. In 2012 a joint EU strategy to eradicate trafficking-related crimes was launched for 2012-2016. An appropriate information platform has also been set up, which contains information on legal documents, initiatives, or possible projects and stakeholders dealing with human trafficking. In addition, a funding program has been established to promote quantitative and qualitative research projects, enhance the exchange of valuable knowledge and improve the quality of data collection. We came to the conclusion that institutional mechanism of the European Union in combating with trafficking in human beings is a system of EU bodies that adopt relevant regulations. This institutional mechanism has a rather complex structure, based on the European Parliament, the European Council, the European Commission, the European Anti-Trafficking Coordinator, the EU Expert Group on Trafficking of Human Beings, Europol, Eurojust, the European Judicial Network. The main component of this structure is the European Commission, which makes decisions and takes initiatives in this area. A characteristic feature of the EU’s anti-trafficking policy is not only to ensure respect for human rights of victims of this crime, but also to create appropriate conditions for its rehabilitation, further socialization and prosecution of perpetrators. In sum, the EU treats human trafficking as one of the global problems of our days and is making considerable efforts to combat it.

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