
This article features the results of a study which examines the factors of success or lack thereof when it comes to Russians achieving their life goals. The analysis is based on data from the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey (RLMS-HSE). The study revealed that diminishing confidence in their abilities and in their chance to attain their life goals has over the last few years become a significant component in the attitudes of a considerable amount of Russian people. Achieving them at one stage of life or another does not always make people satisfied with life in general or with its specific aspects. How people assess their chances for attaining success in life is negatively affected during a time of crisis by a decrease in living standards and quality of life in Russia, an increase in anxiety and negative expectations, which in turn are caused by increasingly uncertain life circumstances. However, success in achieving life goals is linked primarily to personal resources rather than external factors. Opportunities for success grow considerably with an increase in age and professional status. In the process of fulfilling one’s goals, health condition, professional qualification, aid from relatives and friends, as well as helpful connections — these are all much more substantial determinants than one’s material security. On the other hand, the importance of such a factor as material prosperity rises from the utmost minimum for young people to near the top in regards to the elderly. Success in life is more often achieved by determined, persistent people who are confident in their own abilities, who possess a wide array of adaptation resources, and who are able to plan ahead.

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