
Contemporarily, the study of al-Qur'an has a divine‘s value of presenting the work of literature. One of the studies that manifests in a variety of meanings is the existence of al-Adldaad which induces to multiple interpretations. Al-Adldaad's position occupies various conditions where linguistic studies need to explore this existence. This discussion is important, so that someone can understand the meaning of a word or expression correctly by paying attention to the sentence context. Based on this, the purposes of this article are to identify the al-Adldaad words in surah al-Nisa' and explain the meaning of the al-Adldaad words in a linguistic context. Researchers used qualitative method and descriptive approache. Data analysis technique using content analysis. The results of the study show that the words al-Adldaad in surah al-Nisa' theorically and practically (use) and their meaning are dominated by the words “baina/bainahuma” which mean “al-Wishool” and “al-Firooq”, the words "Rosuul" which mean Isim al-Maf'ul (Mursal), the words "Zauj/Azwaaj" which mean "al-Untsa" (Zaujah), then the words of al-Adldaad are Shighoh Isim al-Maf'ul “Muhshonaat” which mean Isim Fa'il (Muhshinaat). The finding from this study is that the al-Adldaad words in Surah An-Nisa' are not only in the form of lafadh, but also in "wazan" form. Therefore, the theory of Ulamaa' al-Lughoh al-Qudama' can be added with the word "wazan" "لفظ أو وزن له معنيان أو استعمالان متضادّان" "a word or wazan which has two opposite meanings or uses". Keywords: Context, Language, al-Adldaad, An-Nisa’

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