
UDC 336:338; JEL Classification: R 13 Purpose. The aim of the study is to improve the system of application of financial instruments in the processes of increasing the competitiveness of industry, regulation and stabilization of regional industrial and economic development. Research methodology. To achieve this goal, the methods of analysis and synthesis were used in the work, which were used in the study of the current state of use of financial levers to stimulate the industry of the regions. Findings. The system of financial tools for ensuring the competitiveness of industry and intensifying the development of regional industrial complexes is studied in the work. The mechanisms of increasing the competitiveness of the region's industry in connection with the financial stabilization of the regional economy are studied. It is established that the financial stability of industrial enterprises is an equilibrium state, in which the industrial complex is able to form financial resources in sufficient quantities and ensure socio-economic development, to respond quickly to changes in market conditions. The tools and the mechanism of increase of competitiveness of the industry of regions are offered. The main problems of regional development of regions of Ukraine are summarized (uneven socio-economic development of regions, imbalance in technogenic load on separate territories, considerable volumes of primary resource consumption, orientation of separate territories on raw and processing industries, cost type of production). The existence of a direct relationship between the levels of industrial competitiveness and financial stabilization of the regions has been revealed. The complex use of financial tools to intensify the activities of industrial enterprises is proposed, the systematic application of which will positively affect the regulation and stabilization of regional industrial development. Originality. In the course of scientific research the theoretical and methodological bases of financial tools for the activation of regional industrial complexes were improved, in particular, the author's vision of the system of stabilization effects of the use of financial tools for regional industrial development was proposed. Practical value. The scope of the research results is the system of industrial management at the level of the state and regions, which can contribute to the economic development and functioning of the state at the modern level. The results can be used by state and local authorities in developing programs to stimulate and develop industrial complexes and regional economic development programs.

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