
The article deals with continuous personal and professional self-improvement of the specialists in the field of information technologies and pedagogical conditions as the development and formation of versatile aspects of professional training of the future specialists. The specificity of pedagogical activity arises from the fact that it combines organizational, research and creative components, therefore, in modern pedagogical conditions, it is important to be able to actively perceive new things, ensuring the continuity of personal and professional self-improvement. For higher pedagogical educational institutions, the primary task is the formation of the future teacher personality who is able to be constantly engaged in the personal and professional self-improvement, ready for continuous education, that is, for regular self-development. The development of readiness for self-improvement of future specialists in the field of information technologies is a rather complex process, the effectiveness of which depends on the implementation and observance of the necessary pedagogical conditions. Usually, pedagogical conditions are interpreted as those that are specially created in the educational process to increase its efficiency or implement innovations. The issue of qualification of pedagogical conditions has become the subject of attention of many researchers. We consider the analysis of a number of scientific works in which the pedagogical conditions of development and formation of versatile aspects of professional training of future specialists are considered important for our exploration of the features of the development of self-improvement skills of future specialists by means of information technologies. The personal self-improvement, which begins at school, should continue life-long. The professional self-development is a complex, multifaceted, continuous, conscious process aimed at the formation, integration and implementation of professionally significant personal traits, professional knowledge, abilities and skills in the professional activities. The future specialists are creative individuals who constantly have many new ideas and are ready to accept innovations in education. After all, the teacher must regularly prepare new, interesting lectures, be able to adapt to changes in the educational process. Modern student teachers have to master a variety of educational technologies. In the professional activity of the teacher, a structural component is the professionalism of self-improvement.

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