
Quran lies perfect, unequalled, rhythmical and phonetical distinctions in its literary style. The true information relating to a wide variety of subjects in unique literary form forms the backdrop to the doctrine of I’jaz al-Quran, the inimitability of the Qur’an, which lies at the heart of the Qur’an’s claim to being of divine origin. The Quran achieved this unique literary form by fusing together various literary styles. It exhibits an unparalleled frequency of rhetorical features, surpassing any other Arabic text, classical or modern. Some of its characteristics are: Saja (semantically driven assonance and rhyme), Iltifat (grammatical shifts), interrelation between sound, structure and meaning, choice of words, unique linguistic genre, Nazm (word order), Tashabuh (analogy), Mujanasah (alliteration), Mughayarah (antiphrasis), Tazad (antithesis), Sajaa (assonance), Majaz (metaphor), Jumla Motariza (parenthesis), rhetorical, stress, and Istifham (questions). Istifham (questions) is one of the familiar literary styles of Quran. The multiple purposes and philosophy of the said style is regarded significant in rhetorical discussions. The most common usages of istifham (questions) in Quran are istifham-e-iqrari (questions asked to stress the veracity of something), istifham-e-inkari (questions asked to stress the in veracity of something) and istifham-e-tamsili (questions asked to obtain the attention of the listener). The objectives, merits and singularities of the usloob e istifham (questions style) is significant in linguistic discussions of the Quran. The aim of this paper is to study basic aspects about istifham (questions) that have been propounded by scholars of the sub-continent in their writings on Quran. The paper also presents the examples regarding the objectives and multiple purposes of the said style as the literary miracles of the Holy Quran.

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