
The article proves the need to improve the management of the sports industry, namely the development of mass sports, which has enormous potential, it has a significant impact not only on the formation of the personality, the development of physical and spiritual qualities, but also increases the contribution to the socio-economic development of the country and improves the quality of a life. The sports industry is becoming increasingly important in the life of modern society and everyone in particular. In Ukraine, fitness has developed over the past 10–15 years. Today in all cities of our country, including the city of Dnipro, there is a variety of specialized fitness centers and clubs, beauty and health studios that provide a range of services that include popular fitness programs and technologies. They are based on the latest scientific developments and the latest tech-nologies in the field of physical culture and sports, which is aimed at meeting the various physical culture and sports interests of each client of the club. As a result of a study of the sports industry in Ukraine and the city of Dnipro in this article were dis-tributed fitness facilities by type of sports services. As a result, it was found that the largest market share is occupied by online fitness clubs. This is due to the preferences of club customers for choosing the fitness club itself, popular fitness programs, additional services, subscription prices, etc. The sports industry is becoming increasingly important in the life of modern society and each person in particular. It is always helpful to assess the starting situation in terms of strengths, weaknesses, potential opportunities and hazards. Therefore, the article presents an assessment of the current state and development prospects of fitness clubs in the city of Dnipro using the performed SWOT-analysis of competitiveness. The strategic aspects of the study of competitive industrial fitness clubs were analyzed in in the city of Dnipro. The theoretical foundations of the formula for competitive transformations have been developed, which make it possible to combine the factors of academic achievement, allowing the use of various methods of economic development and business processes. Conclusions were made highlighting key points regarding increasing the competitiveness of fitness clubs, promoting fitness at the highest level and encouraging Ukrainians to lead a healthy lifestyle.

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