
Summary. The aim of the study is to investogate the current state of organization and of sanitary aviation evacuation of patients and victims in emergency situations at regional level. Materials and research methods. The study was conducted in 2022 in the Federal Center for Disaster Medicine of the National Medical and Surgical Center named after N.I. Pirogov of the Ministry of Health of Russia. Materials of the study — publications in scientific journals; questionnaire data on the factors affecting the conduct of air ambulance evacuation using helicopters in the regions of the Russian Federation. Research methods — literary-analytical method and method of expert evaluations. Literary and analytical method was used to study problems and opportunities for the use of air transport for medical purposes in the Russian Federation and abroad. The method of expert evaluations was based on opinions and experience of specialists in evaluating factors affecting organization of air ambulance evacuation in the regions and of the need for its implementation. The object of the study is the system of organization and conduct of the sanitary aviation evacuation of patients and victims in emergencies in the regions of the Russian Federation. Study results and their analysis. Domestic and foreign experience of medical care to the patients and victims in emergencies using air ambulance evacuation is presented. The basic problematic questions of organization and execution of sanitary aviation evacuation of patients and victims in extreme situations have been analyzed.

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