
The textbook considers the subject and tasks of the discipline, highlights the medical and biological foundations of ensuring human security in the conditions of natural, man-made and biological-social emergencies, as well as when using modern weapons of destruction by a probable enemy. Briefly, but quite informative, the structure of the human body and the basics of its functioning are described. The specificity and mechanism of the toxic effect of harmful substances on a person, the energy effect and the combined effect of the main damaging factors of the sources of emergency situations of peacetime and wartime are shown. The article highlights the medical and biological aspects of ensuring the safe life of people in adverse environmental conditions, including in regions with hot and cold climates (the Arctic). The methods of forecasting and assessing the medical situation in emergency zones and lesions are presented. The means and methods of medical and biological protection and first aid to the affected are shown. The main tasks and organizational structure of formations and institutions of the medical rescue service of the GO, the All-Russian Service of Disaster Medicine and medical formations of the EMERCOM of Russia are considered. Organizational issues of medical and biological protection in emergency situations are highlighted. The features of the organization of medical support for those affected by terrorist attacks are considered. It is intended for students and cadets of educational institutions of higher education studying under the bachelor's degree program in the following areas of training: "Technosphere security", "Infocommunication technologies and communication systems", "Information systems and technologies", "State and municipal management", "Economics", "Mechatronics and robotics", "Operation of transport and technological machines and complexes", "Informatics and computer engineering", "Air Navigation", "System analysis and management". It can also be useful for researchers and a wide range of specialists engaged in practical work on planning and organizing medical and biological protection of the population.

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