
Over the past 10 years, there have been 730,456 fires in Ukraine, which is an average of more than 73,000 cases a year. As a result of these fires 28 thousand 220 people perished and injured 16 thousand 884 people. The direct damage caused by the fires amounted to over UAH 12 billion and the total material losses amounted to about UAH 50 billion. [1]. At the present stage of civilization development, the level of protection of the population and territories from emergencies is one of the basic indicators of sustainable development of the state. Negative trends related to the permanent increase of the risks of emergencies, significant potential and real economic losses, irreparable social losses related to the increase in the number of emergencies and their scale, pose a significant threat to national safety in economic, social and environmental spheres. The dynamics of the development of man-made accidents, disasters and natural disasters and the forecast of possible dangers indicate that in Ukraine there is a significant level of risk of large-scale man-made and natural emergencies. [2] Analysis of the statistics has shown that emergencies can lead to different consequences, depending on their scope, type and characteristics. By studying the directions of emergencies in different countries of the world, the greatest emergencies of man-made character were characterized. In particular, the characteristic concerned the type of man-made situation, its environmental and economic consequences. Having analyzed the occurrence of man-made disasters in the world for the years 2000-2013, we can draw the following conclusion. Man-made disasters were caused by various factors that caused significant financial and human losses. An explosion occurred in Rio de Janeiro, which caused pollution of drinking water, losses amounted to $ 86 million, damage to buildings and structures occurred at the AZF Chemical Plant in France, damages amounted to 3 billion euros, in Spain 6300 oil from Prestige oil tanker damage amounted to $ 12 million, in Germany, an explosion caused a blast that damaged the bridge, damages amounted to $ 358 million, an explosion in Russia at the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric station, which has disrupted electricity supply, damages amounted to 7.3 billion rubles, explosion in Mexico, causing Deepwater Horizon oil platform to ignite, damages amounted to $ 3 billion 719 million, the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant crash in Japan, and damages amounted more than $ 74 billion. One of the most tragic man-made disasters is considered to be an explosion at the Ulyanovskaya mine, whose economic losses cannot be estimated. As a result of the explosion more than a hundred employees perished, including all management and chief engineer. These man-made disasters have had a significant impact on the ecological situation, namely the pollution of the marine landscape, which, according to ecologists, the complete purification of the waters of the seas is impossible, which affects both the state of the water and the marine fauna in general. [3].

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