
The international scientific workshop “Bulgaria and Romania: Member Countries of the EU, Part of the Global Economy” was held on the 10th of December 2018 at the Economic Research Institute at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (ERI-BAS) in Sofia, Bulgaria. The worshop was organized by the International Economics Department at the ERI-BAS and the Institute for World Economy at the Romanian Academy (IWE-RA) as a closing event of the joint interacademy project “Bulgaria and Romania: Member Countries of the EU, Part of the Global Economy” carried out by the two institutions. It was also a sequel to the Inernational Conference with the same title, which was held in 2017. The worshop aimed and managed to bring together esteemed researchers, young scholars, post-doctoral researchers and PhD students working in the field of International Economics and International Finance to share their views on some contemporary aspects of Bulgarian and Romanian economic development – either in comparison with each other, or as part of the global economy. There were participants from various Bulgarian and foreign academic institutions – the Economic Research Institute at the BAS, the University for national and world economy, New Bulgarian University, Sofia University, Tracian University, the Institute for World Economy and the Institute for National Economy at the Romanian Academy, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, etc.

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