
Scholars and financiers-practitioners have long been researching issues related to the processes of tax administration in order to ensure the economic development of the state and at the same time not to harm the interests of the average citizen who pays them. The activity and relevance of such research raises the need to analyze the ethnographic features of tax administration in Ukraine, as some of the problems in this area have already had solutions in the past, many of which, at least to some extent, could be useful today. The purpose of this publication is to reveal the features of tax administration in Ukraine at different stages of historical development. The article examines the ethnographic features of tax administration in Ukraine. The historical stages of development of the domestic tax administration system, in particular, such as tax administration during the times of Kyiv Rus (IX–XIII centuries), during the Lithuanian-Polish period (early XIV century), in the Cossack state (1648–1654), for times of the Russian and Austro-Hungarian empires (mid-sixteenth – early twentieth century), during the Soviet Union (1917–1990) and in the independent Ukraine. The strengths and weaknesses inherent to each of these stages are highlighted. It was found that the organization of taxation processes depends on the level of development of the state. The domestic system of tax administration, in our opinion, developed under the pressure of circumstances without proper scientific justification and analysis of macro- and microeconomic consequences, without taking into account world and historical experience in the formation and development of tax systems. Many problems in the field of taxation were similar at different times. Knowing how to solve them in the past can be useful today. History has it that both overconfidence and over-suspicion of the taxpayer are detrimental to tax interests. At acceptance of any changes, both in a theory and in practice, it is advisable to explore as deeply as possible the historical aspects. Improvement of the domestic tax administration system should take into account the world and historical experience of formation and development of tax systems.

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