
Muhammad Zahid Al-Kouthari (1296-1371 A.H) is a prominent Hanfi Scholar and jurist. He was a Great pleader for the Muslims in the ottoman caliphate. He I s a great Muhaddith. He spent his early years in Turkey and after the fall of ottoman caliphate first he moved to Alexendria then to Syria and then again to Cairo and stayed there till his death. He wrote many books on different topics relating to Islam. He contributed a lot to the different fields of Islamic sciences and philosophiec i.e Fiqh, Islamic, polemics (Ilmulkalam). However he is well known among the academic circles as scholar of Hadith. He wrote compiled and brought back into circulation many classed books of Fiqh, Hadith and Usool. Being a Muhadith he wrote a book named ’’اقوم المسالک في بحث روایۃ مالک عن ابی حنیفہ وروایۃ ابی حنیفہ عن مالک‘‘ In this book Zahid Al-Kouthari discussed an important issue relating to ’’Narration of Hadith‘‘. The book consists of the discussion whether Imam Malik bin Ans narrated Ahadith from Imam Abu Hanifa or Imam Abu Hanifa narrated from Imam Malik. Zahid Al-Kouthari has the Point of view that Imam Malik narrated from Imam Abu Hanifa and Imam Abu Hanifa did not narrated from Imam Malik. The discussion consists of two parts: (i) narration of Imam Malik from Imam Abu Hanifa (ii) narration of Imam Abu Hanifa from Imam Malik. Conclusively, it is said that the two Imams are contemporaries and they used to discuss the religious issues with one another.

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