
of the nature of its origin and development, its structure, types and levels. The theoretical approaches, main characteristics and peculiarities of formation of motivation in senior pupils are determined. The role of information and communication technologies in raising the level of motivation in high school students in mathematics lessons is considered. During the study, we used the following basic methods: — theoretical: analysis of philosophical, psychological, and pedagogical literature with the aim of studying, generalization and systematization of scientific materials on the research problem; the selection of theoretical substantiation of the content, forms, methods, means of forming the motivation of senior pupils in the process of application of ICT; — empirical: observation, testing, questioning, studying and generalization of modern pedagogical experience in order to substantiate the effectiveness of tested content, forms, methods and means of forming motivation of senior pupils in the process of ICT application. The methodical recommendations developed and tested in the process of experimental work demonstrate the following possibilities of the use of ICT as a means of development of students’ motivation: formation of cognitive motivation, excitation of interest in the study of an object; development of visual thinking; formation of the ability to create, apply and transform patterns and schemes for solving educational and cognitive tasks; organization of independent search cognitive and research activity of students, their activity on independent use of ICT for the search and learning of educational information; implementation of differentiated control, self-control and correction of mathematical knowledge and skills of students. As a result of an experimental study with a sufficient degree of probability, confirmed by a statistical evaluation of the results, it is found that the implementation of the identified in the study of organizational and pedagogical conditions and methods of using ICT as a means of activating cognitive activity of students contributes to a significant increase in the level of motivation students in the study of mathematics.

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