
The article provides the formation and development analysis of the Iranian cultural and economic alliance “Tajikistan–Afghanistan–Iran”, considers its current condition in the context of geopolitical changes. First of all, the author focuses on research of the nature of joint communication and energy projects of those three states, while trying to assess their interaction potential. The article pays specific attention to the Afghan factor’s influence on the integration processes in the Iranian world. The author, in accordance with the research results, comes to the conclusion that Tajikistan’s relations with the Iranianspeaking states, which are close culturally and geographically, harmoniously fit into the concept of its multi-vector foreign policy. Moreover, the convergence with Iran and Afghanistan arising not only from the civilizational togetherness of the three states, but also by pragmatic considerations: in particular, the fact, that Tajikistan required the transit potential of neighboring states to implement its communication strategy, and the creation of the Afghan-Pakistani, AfghanIranian-South Asian, Caspian-Iranian-South Asian corridors was considered as interesting not only from the economic point of view, but also had a deep humanitarian meaning. The author states that the emergence of an Iranianspeaking geopolitical field in Central Asia made it possible for Tajikistan not just to acquire the additional resource for development, but to make a breakthrough beyond the closed post-Soviet borders into the Islamic world. Moreover, the author emphasizes that such interaction contributes to the restoration of the region geopolitical integrity and the modernization of Central Asian countries, and can lead to the establishment of the new important pole of development in a polycentric world in the future.

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