
This article covers the relationship between Kyiv Ukrainian community as the main formation mover of the national movement in Ukraine in the second decade of the 19 th century and the unification center for Ukrainian scientific- educational elite – St.Volodymyr University. In the context of the establishment of bourgeois society in Europe universities emerged as the main centers which impacted on formation of a national identity of citizens. They became the biggest centers of development of progressive ideas in the south-western part of the Russian Empire which made a tangible impact for its public and political life. According to the Western European example these educational institutions turned into outposts of establishments of a national idea. Due to strong mental potential in their environment the ideas were formed which stimulated self-realization of ‘distinct nations’ that lived in the areas of the Empire. Their practical application occurred both in the cultural and in the political areas. Great importance in these processes was made by Kyiv National St. Volodymyr University. The idea of political separateness as one of European nations progressed among progressive scientific-cultural sphere there. The efforts of Ukrainophiles community made the national desire meaningful by putting forward the ideas of commonwealth in the form of autonomy and then its independent Republic.

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