
Introduction.The author of research substantiates her opinion on business communication that is on of the main type of cooperation between officer and his commanders, subordinates, colleagues, civilians during carrying out his professional duties.It’s effectiveness is determinated by communicative culture skills of the participants, and and first of all for the officer. Communicative culture is a component of general culture of the officer’s personality. The level of respect for the officer from colleagues and subordinates is increased by his self communicative skills, empathy, ability to communicate in the military environment and accessibility of communication. Also that allows to avoid conflicts and is an indicator of the readiness to perform his duties.The problem of forming self communicative culture of the future specialist is multifaceted problem and is the subject of the philosophical, psychological, pedagogical and linguistic researches.Purpose.Applications of specialist’s communicative culture are insufficiently researched.Therefore the objective of the article is the essence of business communication analyze as the most important component of the officer’s communicative culture. To examine on the case studies the process of skills and abilities formation of business communication types during the teaching discipline “ Ukrainian language for professional purpose” in The higher military institutions and to characterized interactive forms that are appropriated.Methods.There were used different methods of research such as: theoretical, deducting, descriptive analytical and observation.Results.This article demonstrates that business communication is one of the main methods in the officer practice to achieve professional goals of leadership, education and training his subordinates. Originality.The forms for providing development of subordinates creative possibilities and support the formation of the linguistic personality.Conclusion.That’s why they should use special forms for developing creative possibilities of the subordinates duringthe teaching process ofUkrainian language for professional purpose and support the formation of the linguistic personality.Further researches of the interactive forms are prospective as they improve communicative culture of the future officers.

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