
Introduction: This article analyzes the current state of research on economic and legal responsibility in the field of energy. The existing procedures for the application of measures of economic and legal responsibility in the field of energy, both by business entities and in relation to such entities by state supervision and control bodies, have been studied. The role and place of the National Commission, which carries out state regulation in the field of energy, other state bodies in the application of measures of economic and legal responsibility in the field of energy, norm creation, as well as the specifics of the application of such measures in the field of energy and existing problematic issues of its application, are studied. Ways to improve regulatory regulation of economic and legal responsibility in the field of energy through relevant research and development are proposed. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to reveal the main issues of economic and legal responsibility in the field of energy in the modern conditions of its existence, namely after the creation of energy markets in Ukraine (natural gas and electricity markets) and the conceptual approaches of state bodies to the construction of a system of economic responsibility in the field of energy. The study of new ways of bringing business entities in the field of energy to economic responsibility Materials and methods: the research materials are: 1) regulatory and legal support for the regulation of economic responsibility in the field of energy 2) works of domestic and foreign authors conducting their scientific and practical research in the field of economic responsibility. In the process of carrying out the research, the following scientific methods were used: theoretical generalization and grouping; formalization, analysis, and synthesis (to build a system of signs of economic and legal responsibility in the field of energy); logical generalization of results (formulation of conclusions). Results: The scientific article reveals the main features of economic and legal responsibility in the field of energy, provides actual examples of the application of such measures of responsibility to business entities. The current judicial practice of the Supreme Court regarding economic responsibility, modern trends in judicial practice were studied and analyzed. Draft legislative acts on the introduction of temporary administrations in energy entities that allow violations in the electricity market have been studied and analyzed. The role of the National Commission for the Regulation of the Energy Market and Communal Services, the State Inspectorate for Energy Supervision in the application of measures of economic and legal responsibility has been clarified. Prospects: In further scientific research, it is proposed to focus attention on the order of improvement and liberalization of economic responsibility in the field of energy, with the aim of improving the investment climate in the specified area, forming clear, transparent, and understandable rules that regulate the issue of economic and legal responsibility.

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