
Fingerprinting scheme uses digital watermarks to trace originator of unauthorized or pirated copies, however, multiple users may collude and escape identification by creating an average or median of their individually watermarked copies. Previous research works are based on ACC (anti-collusion code) for identifying each user, however, ACC are shown to be resilient to average and median attacks, but not to LCCA and cannot support large number of users. In this paper, we propose a practical SACC (scalable anti-collusion code) scheme and its angular decoding strategy to support a large number of users from basic ACC (anti-collusion code) with LCCA (linear combination collusion attack) robustness. To make a scalable ACC, we designed a scalable extension of ACC codebook using a Gaussian distributed random variable, and embedded the resulting fingerprint using human visual system based watermarking scheme. We experimented with standard test images for colluder identification performance, and our scheme shows good performance over average and median attacks. Our angular decoding strategy shows performance gain over previous decoding scheme on LCCA colluder set identification among large population.

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