
This study investigated whether L1 Chinese learners of Korean can acquire case particle alternation in motion verb constructions. An acceptability judgment and self-paced reading task were conducted with L2 advanced learners of Korean in tandem with native Korean speakers. The result of the acceptability judgment task demonstrated that the L1 group accepted the sentences in both case-marking conditions, whereas the L2 groups (both higher and lower proficiency learners) only accepted the sentences in the ‘ul/lul’ condition, while rejecting the sentences in the ‘eseo’ condition. From the results of the self-paced reading task, L2 participants did not show any reading time differences between the two case-marking conditions. However, given that the L2 learners failed to demonstrate target-like knowledge of ‘in manner of motion’ verb construction in the acceptability judgment task, their reading-time patterns in the self-paced reading task may not be interpreted as their acceptance of both conditions. These findings suggest that the L1 Chinese-speaking learners of Korean have a persistent difficulty acquiring the case alternation regarding motion verb construction. (Ewha Womans University)

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