
<p>RELIABLE INFORMATION ON DRUGS DISTRIBUTION AS A REQUIREMENT OF GOOD PHARMACY PRACTICE<br />L. О. Gala<br />Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv<br />Summary: In a context of Good Pharmacy Practice principles implementing in Ukraine the improvement of knowledge of professionals is expedient. In the article the current information assets for pharmaceutical workers was analyzed. Single information resource for professionals lack was established whereas such experience is widely used by the professional pharmaceutical societies in the developed countries.<br />A draft of the national standard for Good Pharmacy Practice «Dissemination of reliable information on drugs and basic medical knowledge» was proposed, requirements of pharmaceutical workers were presented.<br />Keywords: Good Pharmacy Practice, pharmacy practice standards, reliable information on drugs.</p><p>Introduction. In developing national standards of good pharmacy practice according to the recommendations of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine proposed to use the joint directive of the World Health Organization and the International Pharmaceutical Federation "Good Pharmaceutical Practice: Quality standards of pharmacy services," according to which one of the main roles of the pharmacist is to increase effectiveness of health systems and public health. Achieving of the task is possible by execution specialists of pharmacies a number of functions. One of them envisages distribution by pharmaceutical workers reliable information about medicines and different aspects of self-help. Given the above, it is expedient improvement of professional skill pharmacists on the stage of postgraduate training on rational use of medicines and providing pharmaceutical services. Purpose of work - to develop standards of good pharmaceutical practice "Dissemination of reliable information about drugs and medical bases of competence" for further use specialists of pharmacies in practice.<br />The objects of the study were the relevant sections the aforementioned of the Common Guidelines of good pharmacy practice and pharmaceutical practice guidelines around the world regarding the requirements for specialists drugstores spreading information about medicines and medical basics of literacy and informational materials protocols pharmacist (pharmacist) at issue without prescription drugs.<br />Methods. Methods were used systems analysis, analytical- comparative, organizational modeling and generalization.<br />Results and discussion. The results of European research on health literacy show that on average 47% of the population have difficulty in evaluation and managing health information that needs active participate in this process experts pharmacies. The basis of European politics "Health 2020" noted necessity of developing national health strengthening programs that are based on the principles of responsible participation of all stakeholders and expansion their opportunities, including enhancing medical and sanitary literacy and awareness of the population about their health, aspects of self-care and disease prevention. This requires reform of approaches to the systems of professional training specialists pharmacy. Analyzed the information funds which can be used by pharmaceutical workers to improve their competence in rendering advice to the population considering that every year increases the number of users of the Internet in search of information, in particular, and medical. Established the absence a centralized approach to raise awareness of pharmacy specialists about new developments in science and practice, which are widely used by professional pharmaceutical societies of developed countries for uninterrupted professional study, in particular on the issues of health education among visitors of drugstores and providing a high level prevention of certain diseases. On basis of generalization of the above materials a project of national standards of good pharmacy practice " Dissemination of reliable information about drugs and medical literacy basics" which discussed goal of adopting the standard, the necessary terms, sphere of use, the requirements of a pharmaceutical workers (four criteria with a set of indicators for monitoring of their execution), the list of information sources and bibliographic resources.<br />Conclusions. Introduction into practice the proposed standard Good Pharmacy Practice will improve the quality of pharmaceutical information needed by visitors drugstores and medical workers.</p>


  • На сучасному етапі розвитку фармацевтичного сектора системи охорони здоров’я України важливим завданням та водночас критерієм оцінки його діяльності є активне впровадження в обіг лікарських засобів (ЛЗ) міжнародних стандартів забезпечення якості продукції та послуг, зокрема вимог Належної аптечної практики (НАП)

  • – провізори повинні розробляти і/ або використовувати навчальні матеріали для реалізації програм з управління охороною здоров’я та профілактики захворювань, які застосовуються до широкого кола пацієнтів різних вікових груп та рівнів медичної грамотності;

  • Для використання в практичній діяльності фармацевтичних працівників пропонуються наступні інформаційні джерела: Державний реєстр лікарських засобів України – http://www.drlz.kiev.ua Фармацевтична інформаційна мережа «Фармсеть» – http://www.pharm-system.com

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На сучасному етапі розвитку фармацевтичного сектора системи охорони здоров’я України важливим завданням та водночас критерієм оцінки його діяльності є активне впровадження в обіг лікарських засобів (ЛЗ) міжнародних стандартів забезпечення якості продукції та послуг, зокрема вимог Належної аптечної практики (НАП). Метою роботи є розробка стандарту НАП «Поширення достовірної інформації про лікарські засоби та основ медичної грамотності» для подальшого використання фахівцями аптечних закладів у практичній діяльності.

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