
The study of eponymous terms in professional medical language is of great importance because it aims to solve an important theoretical problem of changing the status and function of a term, which has an unconditional impact on knowledge of the world in terms of the history of science. There are new terms that reflect the stages of development of medicine, the priority of a scientist or country in the discovery of new facts, but do not reflect the individual features of the objects of nomination. Currently, scientific and terminological discussions on the use of eponymous terms are ongoing. The purpose of the study. In a concise form to explain the origin of some eponymous terms in stomatology, to give an idea of the scientists whose names are given to certain terms by bibliographic analysis of the literature. Materials and methods. The work uses general philosophical and general scientific research methods, namely: dialectical, historical-chronological, bibliographic-descriptive, analytical, etc. This bibliographic analysis is based on published peer-reviewed articles, books, textbooks, monographs. Results and discussion. The objects of the study in this work were derived from eponymous terms used in stomatology and morphology. The sources of the material were specialized dictionaries and reference books devoted to the problems of eponymy in medicine, which represent the most complete collection of eponymous names of diseases and their signs. Historical and statistical data are given to explain and generalize the variety of phenomena associated with the emergence of eponymous terms, information about scientists and countries whose names actually served as eponyms for the formation of names of medical phenomena and concepts. The peculiarities of the origin of names are analyzed: anatomical terms, phenomena, as well as structures and formations of eponymous origin, depending on the nationality of their authors, the historical and cultural preconditions that formed the basis for the formation of eponymous terms are identified. Conclusion. The study is not exhaustive, and further sampling of eponymous terminological constructions from periodicals, textbooks, monographs of dental direction will expand the database, deepen and diversify the knowledge of young scientists, as well as contribute to the formation of terminological competence of medical students. Eponyms facilitate memorization, as at the mental level the recipient receives a holistic picture of the image of the object of reality. The use of eponyms in the circle of narrow specialists provides a quick understanding of the situation of the picture, conveys the continuity of knowledge, reflects the main stages of development of science, the struggle of thoughts and views, the formation of the scientific worldview of human. Despite a number of negative aspects, eponyms will always be an essential part of medical terminology

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