
The paper analyzes the long-term dynamics of stocks and annual catches
 of Pacific cod of the Kuril Islands, and also considers the structure of its
 modern fishery, taking into account the changes that have occurred in the
 organization of its coastal fishing in recent years. It was shown that the
 dynamics of commercial biomass of Pacific cod in the Northern and Southern
 Kuril Islands is comparable to that in 1975-2020 for groups in the southeastern
 part of the Bering Sea, the Karagin and Olyutor bays, on the shelf of Western
 Kamchatka, and in south-western Sakhalin. Development of the cod fishery in
 the North and South Kuril Islands in 1980-2019 went in accordance with the
 dynamics of stocks, the maximum catches were observed during the period
 of a high level of abundance of both groups in the 1980s. While the structure
 of the cod fishery on the shelf of the Northern Kuril Islands to date can be
 considered established, the development of fishing in the South Kuril Islands
 in the last two decades went by the gradual replacement of trawl fishing in the
 winter-spring period with snorkeling in the summer season.

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