
In intensifying fodder production, highly productive, high-protein and environmentally stable varieties of fodder crops are of fundamental importance. In this task, the main role is given to perennial legumes, among which clover occupies a priority. Clover is one of the leading fodder crops in many regions of Russia. In particular, in the North Caucasus, clover is of great importance in field and meadow fodder production. On hayfields and pastures of mountain slopes, this culture is used as a high-protein component in agro- and phytocenosis. The role of clover as a cheap source of protein for animals and an excellent precursor in the crop rotation link is well known. Its agrotechnical significance is also great: thanks to the nibble bacteria settling on the roots of clover, it is able to absorb atmospheric nitrogen. Clover roots penetrate deep into the ground, loosen soil layers, extracting nutrients difficult to access to other plants, enrich the soil with an organic substance, improve its structure, physical qualities, fix the arable layer and protect it from water and wind erosion. Due to the widespread use of this crop, there are increasingly high requirements for varieties cultivated in agrocenoses: increasing agrobiological and chemical-technological properties, improving soil fertility. To create highly effective pastures and hayfields, long-term and productive varieties of clover with high nutritional properties, salinity, resistance to diseases, trampling and mowing are required. The expansion of meadow clover crops is a priority area for the development of adaptive fodder production in North Ossetia, and especially in modern conditions, it is important to breed and evaluate its varieties. Meadow clover varieties are relatively resistant to adverse conditions and have high seed productivity. It is these requirements that meet the clover varieties "Dargavs," "Nart," "Mountain Saniba" and "Daryal." In order to identify clover varieties that are promising in the conditions of North Ossetia, on the basis of the North Caucasus Institute of Mining and Foothill Agriculture in the village. Mikhailovsky conducted research on their assessment of agrobiological and economic-valuable features. It was established that the variety "Mountain Saniba" stood out for the content of raw protein in dry matter, affinity, collection of dry matter per hectare. All studied varieties are adapted to the conditions of the foothill zone of North Ossetia, since they are winter straps. The growing season of the studied varieties varied on average 52-44 days by year, which is optimal for fodder harvesting in our region.

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