
The concept of a circular (or circular/closed cycle) economy is quite new for the Russian scientific literature on economics and management. Having originated initially in countries experiencing serious resource constraints and (or) acute environmental problems, a few months ago it seemed to be a curious idea for Russia, allowing in the long term to achieve simultaneous preservation and even an increase in economic growth rates without the concomitant increase in the expenditure of natural resources and the inevitably associated increase in the burden on the environment. However, the dramatically changed economic situation due to unprecedented sanctions pressure, the freezing of the country's financial resources and the destruction of a huge number of production chains forces us to take a fresh look at the concept of a circular economy and shift the focus of research on its possible practical applications from environmental aspects to such topical economic aspects as creating new jobs, products and services, preserving the quality of life of the population while decrease in purchasing power, etc. A feature of the monograph is the focus on new opportunities for economic growth that the circular economy provides, even in conditions of severe resource (including financial) constraints. It is intended for students, masters, postgraduates, researchers, as well as practitioners from the field of management with modern circular business models and methods of organizing production and consumption processes according to the circular type.

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