
The concept of time management is considered. Various approaches of scientists in determining the essence of time management are analyzed and revealed. The author's interpretation of the concept of time management is offered. Existing time management tools are considered and peculiarities of its application in domestic practice are analyzed. The importance of applying working time management techniques to increase the efficiency of functioning of enterprises in modern conditions is substantiated. Time management, or time management, is a system aimed at coordinating one's actions with time. It is the science of how to plan a clear work schedule for a day, a week, a month, a year or a lifetime. As a result of optimization, working time can be used more efficiently. Time management concerns not only the organization of working hours, but also the workplace environment, communication with work colleagues and many other factors that can affect a certain time. The implementation of time management allows employees of an educational organization to systematize the planning process, use working time more efficiently, increase the speed of solving problems and eliminate them re-appearance, reduce time spent searching for documents and timely prioritization, increase the efficiency of using databases. It has been proven that the introduction of time management technology in an educational organization will serve as an optimal way to increase competitiveness in general and the most effective use of human resources. The development of any organization directly depends on how its employees plan and organize their activities taking into account time constraints, namely how the manager facilitates this. Rationally organized time management also makes employees aware that inefficient use of working time is not only the loss of the management of the educational organization, but also their own, which can lead to a significant reduction in activity efficiency and, as a result, to a decrease in wages. The use of principles and technologies of time management in practice increases the efficiency of the organization, reduces time consumption to a minimum and creates an opportunity to achieve the desired results and goals.

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