
This article is one of the first few that review challenges of organizing statistical monitoring of the development of cognitive technologies, which together with nanotechnology, biotechnology and information and communication technologies pre-determine the fundamentals of the future technological structure. Best domestic and international practices related to the making of cognitive technologies are summarized; their content and development directions clarified. The author gives basic scientific definition of cognitive technologies, formulates options for its modification, depending on potential development trends and structural transformation of technology. On the basis of structurally modified concept of the noosphere is constructed the graphical representation (elementary diagram) of organization basic elements of cognitive technologies. When systematizing cognitive processes statistical attention is drawn to the ratio of the mental and material in understanding of cognitive technologies, transformation of philosophical practices and beliefs in the context of the new branches of dualism (emergent materialism as a sub-branch of «property dualism») and monism («anomalous monism») caused by the discovery of actual cognitive mechanisms. The article notes that relative balance has been achieved between the development level of scientific potential, supply of research results and ideas and public demand. This is a unique moment state in which it is possible to carry out statistical monitoring of all components and development stages of cognitive technologies. The formation features of the component base of cognitive technologies and organizational principles of interaction between the main structural elements are revealed. As to the interdisciplinarity, the author presents differentiated approach to substantiate the objectivity of statistical observation; he also shows schematically the formation process of cognitive science as an independent discipline, and provides directions for transformation of information fields by way of changing the quality of interaction between different scientific disciplines with research technologies, public supply and commercialization. The composition and development directions for the technological basis of scientific research is demonstrated, market niches and promising areas of commercialization of the research and development results are clarified. This article substantiates the expediency of organizing statistical monitoring of cognitive technologies (in accordance with common methodological principles of the OECD) used with reference to large technologies - biotechnology, nanotechnology, information and communication technologies.

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