
An important place in modern Ukrainian language occupy own personal names. The proper name is seen primarily as a linguistic phenomenon in the process of linguistic and historical development. Name is a sign on which the person is identified and individualized. Anthroponimics comprehensive study belongs to the most pressing problems of Ukrainian linguistics. For objective research required considerable time period. A set of names of Ternopil as one of the historical and cultural regions of Ukraine has not been the subject of deep research yet. The lack of a comprehensive study of the names of the region, which would be based on an analysis of the relevant material and showed a dynamic development of naming system, causes the relevance of the chosen topic. The aim of our work is to analyze infrequent and least used female newborns names of Ternopil of the second half of the twentieth century, qualitative and quantitative composition of these names. The source of the study of personal names in Ternopil in the twentieth century are the lists and dispensing birth certificates of Ternopil municipal registrar's office. Little and the least-used female names of Ternopil region of the second part of the XX century, core of the stable names, changes in content of little and the least-used female names, saving of classic names and appearance of new ones, which were not in use earlier, the frequency of application are analyzed in this article. Key words: anthroponym, anthroponimikon, noun, little and the least-used names, female name, proper name.

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