
Introduction . The versatility and diversity of definitions of such concepts as “economic security” and “competitive status” generate the need for further development and improvement of the concept “economic security of competitive status” taking into account changes in theoretical and methodological approaches, methodology and views of modern scientists . Purpose . The purpose of the article is to study the concept of “economic security of competitive status” and its place in the structure of economic security. Methods. The article uses general scientific methods: analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction. To analyze the essence of the concept of “economic security of competitive status”, a descriptive approach was used. Results. The concept of “economic security of competitive status” is considered. The main definitions of the term “competitive status” are defined in terms of the chronology of their appearance in scientific sources. The absence of evolution in scientific views on this term is revealed, which is associated with the duplication of definitions by different authors in the earlier and later periods. Based on the analysis of the lexical meanings of the words “competitive” and “status”, it is substantiated that the determination of competitive status as a certain competitive state is most appropriate. Analyzed the existing approaches to the definition of competitive status. Considered its features. The differences between the concepts of “market security”, “market component of economic security” and “economic security of competitive status” are shown. There is a contradiction in the existing approaches, which consists in applying to the definition of the competitive status of the process approach, and in its assessment - the static one. The expediency of applying to the understanding of the economic nature of security a competitive status at the same time static and process approaches is substantiated. Originality. The classification of approaches to understanding the essence of competitive status has been added to the following classification criteria: by imperative concepts (a measure of determining a company's position in competition, identifying directly with a company's position, a company's position in competition, a prerequisite for achieving a certain level of competitive advantages, a comprehensive comparative characteristic of an enterprise relative to competitors) ; from the point of view of the resource approach (as the ratio of the actual and basic productivity of the use of resources, resource endowment, degree of provision of the enterprise with resources of all kinds); from the standpoint of taking into account various types of potential (internal potential, strategic potential, potential of competitors; resource potential, competitive potential, potential without specification) from the position of goal-setting (creating and maintaining competitive advantages, resisting environmental factors; maximizing profits, stable business income; capturing leading positions in the industry; anticipation of the opponent in achieving the goals set in a competitive market; without specifying the goal) other signs will determine a goal and objectives of the study. A definition of the economic security of a competitive status as a competitor’s economic condition of an enterprise is proposed, in which a given level of economic results of all types is achieved (in the classical and non-traditional sense), not only its economic interests of a short, medium and long-term nature are realized freely, regardless of the influence of internal factors and the external environment and actions of stakeholders of any group, but also the interests of the staff and owners of this enterprise; it is assumed that all types of resources are used efficiently, the enterprise is able and able to withstand the consequences of the realization of the negative impacts of various origins without jeopardizing the current and strategic economic interests. Since the essence of economic security is a triune one, which also includes the imperative concept of “process”, then from the position of the process approach it is possible and expedient to investigate the economic security of competitive status. Specified is the direction of further research. The structure of its hierarchical levels has been improved. Conclusion . Conducting unconditionally significant research by modern scientists does not exclude the need to further highlight important issues of processes and resource support for a given level of competitive status of enterprises through the prism of economic security.

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