
The article describes basic data about the features of creating and operating of NATO maps. The article provides informationabout scale standards for NATO topographic maps. The structure of topographic maps, the order of their creation, mainpurposes, tasks, requirements according to NATO standards are considered. Topographic maps at scales of 1:25 000, 1:50 000and 1: 100 000 are created by NATO countries in accordance with national requirements while maintaining their traditionaltransition to the creation of topographic maps, but adhering to a single NATO standard for mandatory mapping of WGS -84 andUTM grids, the printing of explanation symbols and abbreviations in English and application of geographical names in Latin. Atpresent, there is a coherent NATO geopolitics for the creation of topographic special maps (including digital maps), the basicprinciple of which is that each NATO member is responsible for providing the necessary cartographic materials to its troops andNATO forces on its territory and to the globe. for planning and conducting military operations. A 1: 250,000 scale map is used tostudy and evaluate in detail individual, relatively small but important areas, when crossing water obstacles, during hostilities inlarge settlements, as well as when designing and constructing large engineering structures. Projections of topographic maps ofscale 1: 250 000 are considered, specifics of delineation and designations adopted for the map, features of the content of th etopographic map according to NATO standards. The maps are created in the Universal Transversal Mercator Projection (UTM),the Universal Polar Stereographic Projection (UPS) and the Lambert Conformal Conic Projection. The article presents a system ofgraphic symbols and symbols of NATO.

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