
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to ascertain the degree of students' educational satisfaction according to their Problem-based learning strategy. Method: The subjects were 277 nursing students in C College. A questionnaire modified by researchers was used and analyzed by the SPSS WIN 12.0 program. Result: This study showed that there's a positive relationship between the level of students' educational satisfaction and their learning strategies, including collaborative, self-directed, self-expression and time management strategies. Those who were in the second year and those who have considered temporary absence from school and/or change of academic courses used the least learning strategies and showed the lowest level of educational satisfaction. The top three learning strategies influencing educational satisfaction were time management, collaborative strategies and self-directed strategies respectively. Self-expression strategy was not statistically significant as an influencing factor on educational satisfaction. Conclusion: The more learning strategies that are used, the higher the level of educational satisfaction as a whole. Further studies on how to increase student's educational satisfaction and a way to advance in learning strategies are recommended.

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