
The search for new conditions for growing vegetables in organic crops in order to obtain safe products and in connection with changes in climatic conditions requires an immediate solution. The article considers and proves that the use of biological products affects the formation of highly productive crops and promotes the production of products with a high content of biologically active substances. Studies have shown a positive effect of biological products on the growth and development and yield of beetroot varieties Delicatessen and Red Ball. Studies have been conducted to study the technological aspects of growing vegetables, in particular with the use of biological products, taking into account the environmental impact of both growth processes and quantitative and qualitative indicators. Features of various biological products and their efficiency are analyzed. A comparative analysis of the use of biologicals, which allowed to comprehensively assess the impact of elements of cultivation technology on phenological, biometric, indicators, yield and quality of table beet products, development and improvement of elements of technology for their cultivation in the forest-steppe of Ukraine. This involves the use of highly productive varieties, the use of various effective biological products, is relevant for the spread and cultivation of table beets in the forest-steppe of Ukraine. Phenological observations of canteen beet plants showed that they developed differently and reacted differently in the phases of growth and development, depending on the introduced biological products. The technical ripeness phase began on days 121–129 and was longer than in the control. With the introduction of Solutin and Chlorella – 128–129 days, and in short - with the introduction of biological products Helprost vegetable, Helprost vegetable + Phytohelp, Solutin + Phytohelp – 121–125 days. It was proved that table beet plants differed in height, number of leaves, leaf blade area and their total area per hectare, which compared to the control were from the use of a tank mixture of biological products Helprost vegetable + Phytohelp – 28.3–28.7 thousand m2/ha, which is significantly higher than the control by 13.6–14.8 thousand m2/ha. The area of leaves was slightly lower as a result of the use of other drugs and mixtures – 21.8–22.6 thousand m2/ha. The use of a mixture of drugs Helprost vegetable + Phytohelp contributed to an increase in the mass of the root of table beets by 255–350 g, which is significantly higher than the control by 9–10 g. A positive effect on the yield of beetroot was shown by the vegetable Helprost preparation, as well as a mixture of vegetable Helprost + Phytohelp preparations, the use of which provided a yield of 52.4–63.8 t/ha. The use of a mixture of biological products Solutin + Phytohelp improves the appearance of the plant, increases resistance to harmful microorganisms, and the marketable yield increases to 26.0 t/ha and significantly exceeds the control by 3.2 t/ha.

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