
The model of formation of readiness of future teachers of fine arts to use computer graphics in professional activity in the context of a subject field of our research contains three blocks, namely: methodological and target (the purpose, tasks, approaches, principles); content-procedural (stages, content, forms, methods, technologies); diagnostic and effective (criteria, indicators, levels of readiness). Сomputer graphics are used in almost all areas of human life, and above all, in art education, in the creation of images and processing of visual information obtained during the study of various arts, communication with various arts. With this approach, we consider it appropriate to determine the essence of computer graphics in the scientific environment and its place in the system of disciplines. At present, it is worth noting that computer graphics is a component of computer science and is studying the means and methods of creating and processing graphic images using computer technology. Computer graphics is a scientific discipline that develops a set of tools and techniques for automating coding and decoding graphic information. Computer graphics studies the methods of digital synthesis and processing of visual content. Our proposed model of forming the readiness of future teachers of fine arts to use computer graphics in professional activities contains three blocks: methodological-target, content-procedural and diagnostic-effective. For liquidity of research and experimental work the purpose is defined, tasks are developed, approaches and principles of the specified phenomenon of research are substantiated. The second block proposes the stages, content, forms, methods and technologies of forming the readiness of future teachers of fine arts to use computer graphics. In addition, at the diagnostic and effective stage of the experimental study, the criteria, indicators and levels of readiness are motivated. In addition, we have proposed pedagogical conditions aimed at improving the effectiveness of this phenomenon, including: purposeful motivation of future teachers of fine arts to use computer graphics in professional activities in the study of professional disciplines; mastering by future teachers of fine arts theoretical knowledge about the essence, content of computer graphics and methods of its use; improving practical skills and abilities to form the readiness of future teachers of fine arts to use computer graphics in professional activities.

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