
The effects of dl-ethionine and acute carbon tetrachloride poisoning on the rabbit serum proteins, and effects of cortisone, estradiol and testosterone on the serum proteins of rabbits which were treated for longer periods with carbon tetrachloride have been observed.For acute intoxication of ethionine, 10mg of dl-ethionine per kilogram of body weight were injected intraperitoneally daily using 1per cent aqueous solution for 10 days. For acute carbon tetrachloride intoxication, 0.5ml of 20per cent solution in olive oil per kilogram of body weight were injected intramuscularly for consecutive 2 days. For chronic liver damage with carbon tetachloride, 0.1ml of 20per cent solution in olive oil per kilogram of body weight were injected intramuscularly for every 4 to 5 days for 4 to 6 months. During that time, after 2 months of carbon tetrachioridetrezttrnent, hormones were injected simultaneously. Five mg of cortisone acetate per kilogram of body weight, 10mg/kg of testosterone propionate, 0.04mg/kg of estradiol were injected for every 4 to 5 days. However, sometimes hormon or carbon tetrachloride injection was stopped when the general condition of rabbit was dangerous.From this experimental results, following findings were obtained.1. Total serum protein concentration was lreduced by ethionine injection, and this decrease was chiefly, due to the decrease of albumin. There were not found any definite changes in beta-globulin fraction, and gamma-globulin decreased slightly. Most characteristic finding was the gradual decrease of alpha-globulin after initial increase. In short, it might be said that by ethionine, synthesis of albumin and alpha-globulin in the liver is impaired.2. In acute carbon tetrachloride intoxication, all fractions of the serum proteins decreased, but decreese of albumin was most remarkable.3. From the above findings, it could be said there is no tissue destruction by ethionine administration or acute carbon tetrachloride poisoning, and albumine and alpha-globulin are synthesized chiefly in the liver and part of beta- and gamma-globulin are also synthesized in the liver.4. In chronic carbon tetrachloride intoxication, all fractions except alpha-globuline were decreased, but that of albumin was most remarkable. The increase of alpha-globuline indicates the presence of tissue destruction in this case, and this might be the cause of fibrosis.5. Cortisone reduces the chronic injury by carbon tetrachloride regardless of sex.6. Sex hormone affects slightly the cortisone action on the serum proteins, but hypofunction of sexual organ might have relation with the hypergammaglobulinemia and decrease of alpha- and betaglobulin in chronic liver diseases. There are reports on atrophy of sex organ in liver cirrhosis. Therefore, the degree of hypergammaglobulinemia is a indicator of severe damage of the liver. These gamma-globulin in hypergammaglobulinemia originate from extrahepatic tissues. However, it is doubtful whether these gammaglobulin is benificial to the organism or not, and its function is also unknown.

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