
The article analyzes the events that took place in Ukraine in 2004 and 2013-2014, in subsequent years, their influence on European and world order. The consequences of these events (Russia's annexation of the Crimea, the organization of conflicts, Russia's open war in the East of Ukraine, the military conflict in the Sea of Azov) for the global integration process are traced, and in this connection, the relevance of the study of the crisis of the unifying idea of Europe, Jean Monet, the need for it modernization in new conditions. Russia's actions grossly violated international law and destroyed the world order, thereby defining another formula for the relationship and the rules of bilateral relations between Ukraine and the Russian Federation, Ukraine and the West, including with the Republic of Kazakhstan, influenced global integration. An example of the creation of an independent Orthodox Church of Ukraine demonstrates the hidden aggressive nature of the so-called The "Russian Peace" and the official policy of the Kremlin to protect the interests of "true Orthodox" in the territory of Ukraine and a number of other states.The author scientifically argues the process of transformation of existing, the emergence of new values and standards in the interstate relations, which are formed under the influence of these events in Ukraine, on the formation of a new world political and integration order. The geopolitical choice of the people of Ukraine, which testifies to the maturity of civil society and the strength of the state,– in Europe, but Ukraine faced new huge problems, turned into a knot of world geopolitical contradictions, became an "apple of discord", a point of merge of global interests and, unfortunately, it was precisely This quality has moved to the center of geopolitics. Today there are no ready-made recipes and, especially, the program for the exit from the hybrid war, which involves Ukraine, and with it and many countries of the world. The author does not pretend to answer all the questions in the first attempt, but he tries to look into the inner world of Ukrainian society and the state in the last two decades, to understand the chronology and the essential problems of their development, to demonstrate the danger of the conflict escalating into the center of the world disintegration process, the beginning of a new large-scale war and reformatting the world political order. The theme and the fact that 5 years ago the Ukrainian Crimea was occupied by Russia is marking 5 years since the beginning of hostilities in the Donbass, when Russia violated the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine, despising all international legal acts and rules of peaceful coexistence.

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