
The paper is devoted to varietal study and evaluation of grapevine hybrid form 4-6-15, selected for the elite as promising in terms: of high yield, good taste and commercial qualities, and increased disease resistance. The soft-seeded elite seedling of grapevine was obtained by crossing varieties Talisman and Kishmish Luchisty in All-Russian Re-search Ya.I. Potapenko Institute for Viticul-ture and Winemaking – Branch of Federal State Budget Scientific Institution «FRARC». An ampelographic description of the seedling was compiled for leading fea-tures. The vineyards are non-irrigated, graft-ed, covered, fan-shaped, planting scheme 3×1.5 m. In the variety study, methods gen-erally accepted in viticulture and standard vineyard cultivation technology were used. The hybrid form 4-6-15 is characterized by a very early ripening period (106 days from bud break to full ripeness of berries), large berries for the seedless variety (5.3 g), seed-less class IV (weight of rudiments 16,7 mg), very large loose clusters (average weight 705 g), attractive color of berries, increased re-sistance to fungal diseases (mildew 3.0‒3.5 points, oidium 3.5 points, botrytis 2.0‒2.5 points). Frost resistance is average, covering for winter is recommended. The yield is high, 11.5 t/ha, gives a second crop on lateral shoots. We believe that, based on the combination of economically valuable traits, the seedling 4-6-15 can be recom-mended for further use in grapevine breed-ing for seedlessness, the quality of berries in combination with high yields, as well as for backyards viticulture.

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