
Abstract. Introduction. Digitization processes are objective and today play an important role in the development of modern society and its individual spheres. Penetrating into social relations, digital technologies change them, contributing to their gradual development. The national economy as an integral component of the economic system today is significantly influenced by modern information and communication technologies. Such technologies have already penetrated all spheres of economic life, changing the economic behavior of economic entities. Accordingly, ensuring the development of the country's economy without using the potential of these technologies is no longer possible today, since digital technologies create all the conditions for increasing the level of the country's competitiveness in the global economic space. This determines the importance of finding mechanisms to activate the digitalization process within the national economy. Purpose. The main goal of this article is to study the possibilities of using fiscal instruments by state authorities and local self-governments for the formation of a digital economy. Results. It is possible to ensure the stimulation of the development of the digital economy in the country only on the basis of the use of the mechanism of state regulation of the economy, in which one of the most important roles is played by fiscal instruments. It is thanks to the use of these tools that state and local self-government bodies are able to influence the behavior of economic entities and thus create conditions for them in which they are able and interested in using digital technologies in their own activities. Fiscal instruments are a set of tax and budget instruments that are closely interconnected and are used in the process of accumulating state financial resources to perform the functions assigned to it by society. Thus, ensuring the development of the digital economy is also possible using these tools. Conclusions. The article examines the essence of budgetary and tax instruments in sufficient detail, analyzes the peculiarities of their use in the field of implementation of information and communication technologies for the development of the national economy.

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