
Purpose. Formulation of provisions that allow realizing the right of persons with disabilities to receive education in the digital educational environment. Methodology: system approach, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, logical methods for determining the scope and content of concepts; interpretation of law and law. Conclusion. The provisions on e-learning and distance learning for persons with disabilities established by current standards do not fully guarantee their rights. The necessity of including the section in the standards is justified “Accessibility of the digital educational environment for people with disabilities” as follows: “An Educational organization must ensure that people with disabilities receive inclusive education in a digital educational environment, taking into account nosologies. If it is impossible to adapt the digital educational environment for students with disabilities, they are guaranteed to study on an individual educational trajectory in an educational organization or at home”. In addition, it is recommended to include in the standard a norm that allows educational organizations to independently determine the means and equipment necessary for training disabled people. As a promising direction for the development of inclusive education, a mixed format is proposed: classes with the participation of students in a remote interactive mode. Persons with disabilities should be given a preferential right to participate in these classes in person. Scientific and practical significance. The results of the research contribute to the doctrine of educational law. They can be used as a basis for the development of standards, functionality of digital services, methodological recommendations for Universities in the formation of an individual educational trajectory of students with disabilities.

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