
The purpose of the scientific article is to identify the segmentation and multiple vectors of domestic violence in different social categories and to substantiate the need to eradicate discriminatory stereotypical perceptions of family and domestic behavior. Methodology. The methodological basis of the article is a comprehensive approach in the combination of system-structural, formal-logical, comparative-legal methods. The theoretical basis was the work of domestic and foreign scientists on different aspects of domestic violence. The process of research used a dialectical method of scientific knowledge of social and legal phenomena, which allows to objectively determine the patterns of manifestation of various aspects of domestic violence. The structural and functional method was used to investigate the links between the elements of domestic and domestic violence. The formal legal method made it possible to establish links between social roles and domestic violence. The methods of theoretical modeling were applied to form practical recommendations and outline prospects for further research. The scientific novelty of the article is to cover social segments of domestic violence that have not been previously represented in national scientific opinion, taking into account current processes of globalization, affirming the principles of gender equality, the need to eradicate discriminatory stereotyped views. The work is an attempt to distinguish between the segmentation of domestic violence in the world arena and in the domestic socio-legal, cultural space, emphasizing the complexity of the links in the structure of domestic violence. Conclusions. The structure of the scientific article is based on a modular system and covers various aspects of domestic violence. The chosen structure made it possible to consistently and systematically analyze domestic violence. Various social sections of domestic violence have been identified. It is noted that along with the ideas of feminism on domestic violence, there is also a “movement for the rights of men” in general and on domestic violence in particular. The features of domestic violence in the LGBT environment are outlined. It is emphasized that any violence against the child has a negative impact on the child’s body and personality development. Loyalty conflict, attachment theory, post-traumatic stress, and maternal stress were identified. Emphasis is placed on the status of the child abuser and the child victim of domestic violence. The views of national scientists and the views of scientists, researchers of the USA, Canada, Australia, the Republic of France, the Republic of Senegal, the Republic of Mauritius are stated. The importance of joint work of the scientific community, domestic and foreign scientists, international organizations, state structures to develop effective measures of prevention, combating domestic violence in order to eliminate discriminatory models of behavior in the family and everyday life, taking into account the type of legal system and the vector of defining state policy in sphere of family legal relations. Based on the results of the study, the conclusions and recommendations are formulated and recommendations outlined for the prospects for further research

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