
Hybrid new word formations recorded in the oral conversational speech of residents of the Volgograd region, caused by contacts with foreign people are analyzed in the article. The method of eco-linguistic monitoring is used. The study provides data on the structure and dynamics of the Volgograd region population, migration processes that affect the language situation in the region. The methodology and results of the studies, aimed at fixing hybrid lexical units in the oral speech of the Russian-speaking population are described. The authors identify the main types of spoken word formation in a multilingual environment (affixation, truncation, echo construction). The processes associated with elements of hybridization of colloquial word formation are established. It is noted that the emergence of words-hybrids, the formation of new synonymic rows due to the convergence of new hybrid formations with direct borrowings from non-sister languages, as well as with Russian-speaking dialectic, jargon lexemes is typical for the oral speech of the inhabitants of the region involved in multilingual communication. The appearance of homonymous formations is noted due to the phonetic coincidence of the words-hybrids with extraliterary lexical units and borrowings from other non-sister languages. The emergence of of hybrid formations new values, which are explained by the processes of semantic expansion, is fixed.

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