
The formation of the environment of the classroom is to create a comfortable environment that allows to fully implement the training function. When performing training sessions, one should focus not only on the functions of a specific audience, but also take into account the configuration, interior elements, various options for placing furniture and equipment, and the possibility of staying with low-mobility groups of students. The main components of acoustic comfort that affect the nature of sound propagation in the room are considered. Variants of changing unfavorable acoustic characteristics, using modern acoustic plasters, changing the function and arrangement of furniture corresponding to it are proposed. The calculation of the reverberation time of the classroom is made in accordance with the proposed concept of interior design. The issue of accessibility of educational space for people with movement and hearing disabilities is quite relevant at the present time. The result of solving this problem is a variant of furniture placement that allows to place two seats for specialized chairs. Based on the results of the analysis of the acoustic mode of the room, variants of the design project of the diploma design classroom are made using interactive technologies. The results of a theoretical analysis of the placement of furniture in the classroom shows its inaccessibility for use by people with disabilities. In addition, modern requirements for the placement of furniture provides a number of proposals to change the content of the classroom and the placement of educational furniture and equipment. The subsequent calculation of the reverberation time makes it possible to offer new modern materials for finishing the room, taking into account the change in function. Acoustic comfort is provided by a set of materials and furniture placement techniques and allows to conduct training, including in a remote format. It will also provide students with the necessary educational equipment and improve the level of training of specialists.


  • Chernysh N.D. Acoustic Comfort оf a Multipurpose Hall Palace оf Culture for University Students оf BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov


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Стул полужесткий

Время реверберации рассчитывалось с использованием стандартных методик, изложен-. = 0,61 (с). Время реверберации рассчитывалось с использованием стандартных методик, изложен-. Время реверберации на частоте 2000 Гц созультаты расчетов времени реверберации приводятся ниже. Время реверберации на частоте 500 Гц составило: Аобщ. Для удобства выполнения анализа полученные результаты представлены для трех анализируемых частот звучания в табл. 3. Расчетное время реверберации сравнивают с ставило: нормируемой величиной [2, 3], полученной из.

Среднее значение времени реверберации
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