
The activation of mass physical culture movement and sports, the formation of a healthy image of citizens have great social significance, being an important direction of the state social policy. The analysis of the dynamics of their development indicators is particularly relevant in connection with the state programs implemented in the field of physical culture and mass sports. The article analyzes a set of 11 indicators reflecting the state of development of physical culture and sports, as well as sports infrastructure for the period 2010-2020. The information basis of the analysis was the data of state statistics published on the official website of Rosstat. The research is based on complex and systematic approaches using economic-statistical, logical and expert methods of analysis. Visualization of the dynamics of indicators and forecasts is carried out in the Excel software. The analysis showed an insufficient level of development, a differentiated nature of dynamics and significant differences in the values of the analyzed indicators. Despite the increasing trend in the number of citizens engaged in physical culture and sports, the number of all types of sports facilities, with the exception of planar ones, decreased in the period under review.

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